module dud.testdata.main; import std.array : empty; import std.json; import std.stdio; import std.getopt; import std.file : readText; import dud.descriptiongetter.code; private struct Options { bool getCodeDump; string outFilename; string inFilename; } version(App): void main(string[] args) { Options options; auto helpWanted = getopt(args, "g|getCodeDump", "Download the dump from the api", &options.getCodeDump, "o|outFilename", "The filename of the output of the trimed dump", &options.outFilename, "i|inFilename", "In filename to a dump.json file", &options.inFilename ); if(helpWanted.helpWanted) { defaultGetoptPrinter("CLI to handle the api dump", helpWanted.options); return; } JSONValue all = !options.inFilename.empty ? parseJSON(readText(options.inFilename)) : options.getCodeDump ? getCodeDlangDump() : JSONValue.init; if(all.type == JSONType.null_) { return; } JSONValue shorter = trimCodeDlangDump(all); if(!options.outFilename.empty) { auto f = File(options.outFilename, "w"); f.writeln(shorter.toPrettyString()); } else { writeln(shorter.toPrettyString()); } }